Phil Sena | Page 6 | Tomorrow's World

Phil Sena

The "Blame Game"

Blame is all around us—not just in politics, but in business, at school, and among family members. Perhaps even today you have either participated in—or heard someone—blaming others for a mistake, fault or error that has caused inconvenience or pain.

Thou Shalt Not... Download?

There are peer-to-peer sites where copyrighted music is "shared" among millions of users. For those who love music, it sounds like the perfect solution: "If I want to have any music there is, I can have it right now—for free!" There is, however, one problem with this method of music-sharing: It is stealing!

The Glamorization of Alcohol

A newer phenomenon is the glamorization of alcohol. In our modern media age, we are saturated by images and messages designed to influence our attitudes about alcohol. Today's advertisers not only want to sell us their products; they want to sell us a "lifestyle" based on an idealized image of what our lives will be like if we use their products.

Break the Pattern of Violence!

Violence involving young people is nothing new. In fact, the Bible's first recorded murder occurred between Adam and Eve's sons, when Cain slew Abel (Genesis 4:8). That fatal blow began a legacy of aggression for the human family that has continued ever since.
