In a recent visit to China, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed agreements in trade, investment, nuclear power, and banking, and discussed growing military ties—however, there is more to the story.
German Chancellor Merkel plans to use the EU’s month-end meeting to “push ahead with plans for a political union, including more sweeping powers for Brussels” (EU Observer, June 7, 2012). According to Mrs. Merkel, “That means that step-by-step in the future we have to give up more powers to Europe and grant Europe more oversight possibilities” (ibid.).
“Germany has three months to save the euro,” says billionaire George Soros (Telegraph, June 3, 2012). Soros suggested the “summer window” could allow Germany and the Bundesbank to save the EU’s sinking ship because “in a crisis the creditors are in the driver’s seat and nothing can be done without German support” (ibid.).
Der Spiegel’s attention-getting cover article this week announced that Germany developed and built submarines for Israel, along with nuclear-capable cruise missiles (June 4, 2012). Germany has supplied Israel with three subs at a substantial discount—thus helping the Israelis pay for the subs. Three more are scheduled to be delivered to Israel in the next five years, and there are talks about ordering three more. The next generation craft, set to be delivered in early 2013, will have a new fuel cell that allows for quiet submersion for up to 18 days (ibid.).
June 1 marked an historic event between close trade partners—Japan and China. Japan is China’s largest trade partner and the two nations are growing closer together. On June 1 the two began trading directly in their own currencies instead of in U.S. dollars. This direct currency exchange will bolster their relationship and could be used by China to press for the eventual replacement of the dollar with the yuan as the world’s reserve currency (Agence France-Presse, May 29, 2012).