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News and Prophecy Staff

“Ten nations” plus Germany.

A Spanish newspaper reported, “Gathered around Germany, ten nations have formed the ‘Berlin Club’ to revive the European project” (, March 21, 2012).

Benefits of fasting.

Thousands of years ago, God commanded His people to “afflict your soul” or “fast,” at least annually on the Day of Atonement (known as Yom Kippur by Jews—Leviticus 23:27).  Both Jesus Christ and the Apostle Paul understood the spiritual reasons for fasting (Mark 9:29; Acts 27:9).  Although God intended fasting (going without food and water) to be a spiritual tool to draw closer to Him, He—the Designer of the human body—knew there would also be significant health benefits.

Sunday—a NO WORK day in Europe.

“Everyone in the square says ‘no’ to working on Sunday.  On Sunday, 4 March, thirteen European countries joined with the European Sunday Alliance, made up of various types of unions, associations of civil society, together with Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox communities, all together to confirm the special and fundamental characteristic of Sunday.”  The peaceful demonstration held in cities throughout Europe involved thousands of people.  “The Commission for Justice and Peace of the Croatian Bishops’ Conference” posted a document stating, “It is necessary respect Sunday as a day of rest

Once in a century flooding in Australia.

At a time of year when dry weather usually prevails, “Exceptionally heavy rain over the course of a week has smashed records in a number of places across southeast Australia and caused widespread flooding in NSW and Victoria in particular.”  Some locations received 525 mm/20.7 inches of rain in a seven-day period, due to a slow-moving low-pressure system.  One town received “nearly a year’s worth of rain” in just one week.  As of last Tuesday, 75% of New South Wales was “either under water, or affected by or at risk of floods.”  Forecasters expect the very rainy weather pa

Lost the game but won the battle.

The basketball team of Beren Academy (an Orthodox Jewish High School), almost missed a semi-final tournament game because team members refused to play at the scheduled time—on the Sabbath.  The Academy asked for rescheduling, but the request was denied by the Texas Association of Private and Parochial Schools.  Yet the players were not willing to compromise, and they stayed faithful to the Sabbath. Beren senior, Isaac Mirwis, said, “it’s tradition, it’s principle, and we stick true to our principles and that’s what makes an identity.
