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News and Prophecy Staff

Cure for Powerless Teachers

“A generation of adults who grew up uncomfortable asserting authority over children has produced teachers who have never learnt to control a classroom, a government adviser says. New teachers often have not been taught basic techniques for managing pupils’ behaviour because they were trained by people who were themselves uncertain how to go about it” (The Times, June 17, 2015).

Catholic and Orthodox Unity

“Pope Francis told a delegation from the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople that the restoration of ‘full, visible communion’ between the Catholic Church and the Orthodox churches ‘represents one of my main concerns, for which I do not cease to pray to God’” (, June 29, 2015).

USA the "Biggest" Spanish-Speaking Nation by 2050

“The United States is now the world’s second largest Spanish-speaking country after Mexico, according to a new study published by the prestigious Instituto Cervantes… there are 41 million native Spanish speakers in the US plus a further 11.6 million who are bilingual, mainly the children of Spanish-speaking immigrants. This puts the US ahead of Colombia (48 million) and Spain (46 million) and second only to Mexico (121 million)” (The Guardian, June 29, 2015).

Murder and Torture for Pleasure?

“A violent video game that encourages players to perform gruesome killings on a ‘genocide crusade’ has been approved for sale in Britain. Hatred, believed to be the most violent game ever produced, was awarded an 18 certificate by the Games Rating Authority yesterday” (The Times, May 23, 2015).

Israel’s Unexpected Future

German Bundestag President Norbert Lammert recently commented to the Israeli Knesset, “The intensive friendship between our two countries is a historic miracle. This miracle happened mostly thanks to the abilities of two veteran and experienced leaders—David Ben-Gurion and Konrad Adenauer—to make a decision,” said Mr. Lammert (Jerusalem Post, June 24, 2015).
