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News and Prophecy Staff

Wooing Another Daughter

The Roman Pope has been working hard to reach out to and welcome the return of Protestant denominations to the Catholic fold. “Pope Francis and Dr. Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury, jointly presided at a Vespers service on October 5, and signed a statement affirming their commitment to ecumenical progress.

Trump Presidency and the EU

Many Europeans are uncertain about the impact President-elect Trump will have on Europe, and many are fearful. One German commentator wrote, “Europe in uncharted waters… The popularity of US presidents has always waxed and waned, but never has one struck fear into the heart of his allies like Donald Trump” (Deutsche Welle, November 9, 2016). Comments posted on Twitter (that were later deleted) by the French ambassador Gerard Araud stated, “After Brexit and this election, everything is possible.

Smoking Can Change Your DNA!

“The devastating impact of cigarette smoke on the body’s DNA has been laid bare by the first comprehensive study into the damage tobacco inflicts on human cells. People who smoke a pack of cigarettes each day for a year develop on average 150 extra mutations in every lung cell, and nearly 100 more mutations than usual in each cell of the voice box, researchers found.

Priest Sees Earthquakes as God's Punishment

Speaking of Italy’s recent earthquakes, Italian Catholic priest “Giovanni Cavalcoli told a radio audience that the two earthquakes were a punishment for sins, ‘such as civil unions,’ which were officially recognized in Italy beginning in May. The priest’s remarks drew a sharp rebuke from the Vatican.

U.S. Election and God's Plan

Billions of people around the world woke up or stayed up to learn that Donald Trump will be the next President of the United States. While speculation abounds about what might happen next on the geopolitical scene, the world does not realize that God has a plan and that He “removes kings and raises up kings” (Daniel 2:21), and “the Most High rules in the kingdom of men” and “gives it to whomever He will” (Daniel 4:17). Today, we must not lose sight of the fact that God is guiding world affairs to accomplish His ultimate purposethe salvation of mankind (cf.
