News and Prophecy Staff | Page 147 | Tomorrow's World

News and Prophecy Staff

Will the King of the South Push Against the King of the North?

Over 6.5 million asylum-seekers from the Middle East intend to enter Europe, according to a confidential German report (The Telegraph, May 25). Half of these people are waiting in Turkey. “Up to one million potential migrants were living in Egypt and in Libya and up to 720,000 in Jordan, the paper said.

Germany's Military Growing Quietly!

Last week, Foreign Policy ran an article entitled “Germany Is Quietly Building a European Army Under Its Command” (May 22, 2017). For decades, German defense spending has been kept very low. However, under its Framework Nations Concept, Germany is working with small European nations like the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, and Romania.

British School Could Be "Cutting Edge"

The Independent reports that the prestigious Highgate School north of London may adopt a “gender neutral” dress code allowing boys to wear pleated skirts “in response to growing numbers of children questioning their gender” (May 14, 2017).

Consequences of Corruption

Overshadowed by the fireworks of the Middle East, “The drug war in Mexico was ranked 2016’s second deadliest conflict in the world, with only the war in Syria being labelled worse” (IB Times, May 10, 2017).

A Muslim-Christian Clash Coming?

According to a recent study by the Pew Research Center, “Muslims are projected to be the world’s fastest-growing major religious group in the decades ahead” (, April 5, 2017). The study indicates that births to families which identify as Muslim are projected to surpass births of those who identify as Christian, especially in Europe.
