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News and Prophecy Staff

Yemen Torn by War

Suffering is ever-present in the human condition. In the nation of Yemen—torn by war and subsequent famine—parents and children know the effects of war in detail. Cholera and the crumbling health care system are impacting children especially! “With low immunity, poor nutritional intake and unsanitary living conditions, these children are sitting on the cusp of infection and disease.

America’s Fading Reputation

According to a new Pew Research Center poll in 37 nations, “More than three-quarters of the world has little or no confidence in Donald Trump’s global leadership and his signature policies, with support for the American presidency collapsing fastest among America’s traditional allies in Europe… The poll suggests that Angela Merkel has replaced the American president as the politician to whom the world’s people look for leadership” (Guardian

A Mission Impossible?

For decades, scientists have been searching for life “somewhere out there.” The earnest expectation of many is to find complex life beyond humanity, and at the same time, discredit the creation story once and for all. This ongoing effort has involved a huge investment of time and cost billions of dollars.

Homeless and Hopeless

How many people long for a place to call home? How many people globally do have a place they call home? According to a new United Nations study, “One person [is] forced to flee their home every three seconds by war and violence” (The Guardian, June 19, 2017). This translates into over 65 million displaced persons in 2016!

End of the Anglo-American Order?

A writer for the BBC recently made a sobering assessment of two nations that have led the Western World. Noting the “uncertainty in Westminster” and “something nearing chaos in Washington” he wrote, “Neither Britain nor America can boast strong and stable governments. Neither have the look of global exemplars. In the six weeks since Theresa May called her snap election, the global tectonic plates have shifted fast, leaving Britain and America increasingly adrift” (BBC, June 9, 2017).
