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News and Prophecy Staff

Towns “Falling Apart” in South Africa

According to the Co-operative Governance Ministry of South Africa, “More than 60 percent of the 257 municipalities are categorized as dysfunctional or almost dysfunctional” (Bloomberg, June 14, 2018). A recent government report revealed that only 33 of the 257 municipalities received a clean audit last year—just 13 percent!

India Is Drying Up!

“India is suffering from the worst water crisis in its history and around 600 million people face a severe water shortage” (The Independent, June 17, 2018). Roughly 200,000 people die in India every year due to lack of clean water, and 21 cities—including some of India’s largest—are expected to run out of water in just two years.

Suicides Rise: But There Is Hope!

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports, “Suicide rates are climbing in nearly every demographic, age group and geographic area” in the United States (Time, June 7, 2018). Suicide deaths have increased by almost 30 percent since 1999 and “among all racial and ethnic groups and in every age range except adults older than 75.”

Too Many Nukes!

In a recently published study, researchers determined that the detonation of just 100 nuclear warheads by one country would cause catastrophic damage, including widespread food shortages on the other side of the globe (Telegraph, June 13, 2018). Such an event would also bring significant blowback and destruction on the nation that launched the weapons. One researcher noted, “modeling showed that if the U.S.

A Coming Universal Church?

This week Pope Francis made a highly anticipated visit to the World Council of Churches (WCC) headquarters in Geneva. In an earlier interview, Evangelical pastor Martin Robra, a senior WCC official, commented, “[I]t looks as if we have reached a new spring with Pope Francis and his initiatives” (Vatican News, May 31, 2018). He stated further that “there is so much more that unites us than what separates us.” Concerning the future, Mr.
