News and Prophecy Staff | Page 118 | Tomorrow's World

News and Prophecy Staff

An Arab NATO?

American President Donald Trump is facing criticism again as he plans for a fall meeting of the group of six Persian Gulf states, including the UAE and Saudi Arabia, plus Egypt and Jordan, hoping to forge what some have called an “Arab NATO” (Deutsche Welle, July 29, 2018). The purpose of this group would be a military alliance to counter Iran and other extremist groups, and bring peace and stability in the Middle East.

California Seeks to Ban Effective Therapy

A controversial bill that stalled in the California legislature earlier this year has now passed the state Senate and could become law (Desert Sun, August 16, 2018). The bill would effectively prevent those seeking help to resist homosexual tendencies from obtaining professional help.

The Horn of Africa and Prophecy

After years of a destabilizing relationship following their two-year war from 1998 to 2000, the leaders of Ethiopia and Eritrea recently met and began what many are describing as a “warm friendship” (CSIS, July 25, 2018). This new friendship brings a thaw in relations and the resumption of air flights between the two nations. It also opens up the potential for Ethiopia, a land-locked nation of 70 million people, to use Eritrea’s strategic Red Sea ports.

Drought and Fires

High temperatures, strong winds and months of dry weather are creating severe conditions in various parts of the world. Over 400 fires are burning in western Canada, and more than 100 fires are burning in the United States (Vancouver Sun, August 8, 2018; Reuters, August 11, 2018).

Future Prospects for Europe and Israel

Israel’s new nation-state law has angered many across the globe and especially the Arab community. The new law clearly states that Israel is “the nation-state of the Jewish people” (New York Times, July 19, 2018). Opponents have claimed that the new law discriminates against Palestinians and other ethnic groups living in Israel and limits the concept of democracy in the country.
