John H. Ogwyn (1949–2005) | Page 16 | Tomorrow's World

John H. Ogwyn (1949–2005)

Europe's Ticking Time Bomb

Did you realize that there is a "ticking time bomb" in Europe and much of the Western world? That "ticking time bomb"—as it has been called by one prominent German politician—is an incredibly declining Western birth-rate. Replacement level for a population, in terms of demographics, is generally considered about 2.1 children per couple, because not every child that is born lives to adulthood. In Western Europe today, the demographics of reproduction are at about 1.5 or 1.6 children per couple—well below replacement level! In fact, in Germany the rate is just 1.3—as it has been for the last ten years!

The Advancing Homosexual Agenda

A remarkable change has taken place in western culture, right here in the United States, Britain, Canada and other nations of the western world. That remarkable change has concerned the way that a behavior once viewed universally as a perversion—as an aberration from what is proper and normal—is now taken for granted. In fact, one speaking against homosexuality will often be labeled as some sort of "homophobe" or one who is very intolerant.

The Christianity of the Jerusalem Church

According to a recent issue of Biblical Archeology Review (November-December 2002), a startling discovery was recently made in Jerusalem. "Amazing as it may sound," the article begins, "a limestone bone box called an ossuary has surfaced in Israel that may once have contained the bones of James, the brother of Jesus. We know this because an extraordinary inscription incised on one side of the ossuary reads in clear Aramaic letters, 'James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus.'"

Righteousness Exalts A Nation

As our society has moved to become more secular, Bible-based values have been put aside. So where are the ethics coming from for students—young people—growing up? Where are their moral values? If you live in a society that is based on situation ethics—if you just do what feels good—who defines morality? Who defines right and wrong? Who determines what a person ought to do or not do?

The Impact of 'Political Correctness'

Did you know that there are those in the Canadian government that are seeking to label the Bible as "hate literature"? Not only is this up for consideration in the Canadian Parliament; there are those in the United States and in many other countries that are not far behind. This is an incredible statement—an amazing statement—because the United States and Canada were built on a foundation that claimed to be Christian, and that recognized the Bible as the bedrock of society. Yet, right now there is a proposed bill in the Canadian Parliament that, according to opponents, would criminalize public expression against homosexual behavior. A self-described homosexual member of the House of Commons, Svend Robinson, is expected to reintroduce Bill C415, which would add sexual orientation as a protected category in Canada's Genocide and Hate Crimes Legislation. This is so incredible that any of the forefathers in the United States or Canada—the men who shaped our nations—would surely be absolutely shocked. They would be amazed and flabbergasted that such a proposal would ever be up for discussion.
