In the century and a half since it was first published, Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species has proved to be one of the most influential books of our time. Not only has it influenced the study of science; it has had far-reaching implications for society as a whole. When a National Geographic cover article asked the question, "Was Darwin Wrong?" their answer was a resounding "No!" But what about it? Is it possible to accept the Bible as God's word, yet to believe that evolution was the means of creation? This telecast will give you the clear answer!
What ever happened to sin? Let's face it, over the last 100 years there have been radical changes in the radically accepted definitions of right and wrong. When you look at the laws that have been enacted over the last century, it is apparent that whole nations have changed their views about right and wrong. Additionally, many churches have also changed their views about which behaviors to label as sinful.
Anxieties, frustrations and worries abound in our modern world. What about you? In the words of the old television commercial, "How do you spell relief"? Would you like to discover the only relief that really works?
Do you pray? Multiple millions of people pray and many of them do so on a regular basis. But what about "answers"? Do you regularly expect and receive answers when you pray? Would you like to know how you can? What makes for effective prayer? Is it merely a matter of saying just the right words? Is prayer to be like a magic formula? Are there special prayers that are effective for special needs or circumstances? Would you like to know how to really get answers when you pray?