Why did the British and American peoples rise to such unprecedented power and greatness during the 19th and 20th centuries? What lies ahead for Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the United States in the 21st century? The answer to these and other questions form part of history's most astounding story. This program will answer these questions.
Since the attacks on the World Trade Center on 9-11, the United States and its allies have been waging a world wide war on terrorism. This war is being waged using vast military and economic resources. Yet in spite of all of this, the war continues on - still unwon. Why? What really lies behind the ever-growing threat of terrorism? Where is it headed? Many now live in fear wondering where all of this is leading. Did you know that this current wave of terrorism is directly mentioned in the pages of your Bible - in Bible Prophecy? Will America win the war or terrorism?
1989 saw the most critical turning point in world affairs since the end of World War II. That was the time when the iron curtain came down and the cold war was finally at an end. When the hammer & sickle flag of communism was finally hauled down from atop the Kremlin a couple of years later, the United States was left as the world's lone superpower. That's how the situation has remained for well over a decade. Will America remain as the world's superpower for the foreseeable future? Or are we on the verge of another turning point in world affairs?
Is the Roman Empire just a matter of ancient history? What could it possibly have to do with you, with your family, your job and your future. In the fall of 2004, a remarkable exhibition opened in a circus tent pitched right across from the European Union Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium. The theme of the exhibit was best captured by a banner that proclaimed "The New Roman Empire". This exhibition narrated 50 years of European Union history. And in the words of one prominent British newspaper, projects events into the future in an unusually frank display of European ambition.
The Nuclear Club is no longer the exclusive grouping that it once was. In the aftermath of World War II, America alone possessed the secret of the atomic bomb. In this world of an ever escalating threat of nuclear blackmail and terror, where will it end? Are nuclear weapons and their use mentioned in Bible prophecy? If so, where? Where will this threat of nuclear terror end?