Editorial Staff | Page 41 | Tomorrow's World

Editorial Staff

Questions and Answers

Question: Does the Bible teach that a Christian must not drink alcoholic beverages?

Questions and Answers

Question: Matthew's gospel records that after Jesus' resurrection, "the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised" (Matthew 27:52). Did these people go to heaven? Please explain what happened to these resurrected people.

Questions and Answers

Question: I was baptized years ago, so at first when your magazine and your telecast talked about baptism, I assumed it did not apply to me. Now, after reading your literature, I am beginning to wonder whether I was properly baptized. How can I know?

Questions and Answers

Question: I have always understood that when Christians die, their souls go to heaven right away to be with Jesus. How, then, should I understand scriptures like Ecclesiastes 9:5, which say, "the dead know nothing"? What happens when we die?

Questions and Answers

Question: I have come to realize that I have spent my whole life sinning against God. I am having trouble believing that He could ever forgive all the terrible things I have done. Is there any hope for me?

Answer: Yes, there is hope! You can accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, turning to Him in heartfelt repentance, and He will forgive your sins and give you the ability to obey Him and live the joyous and abundant life He wants for you.
