Editorial Staff | Page 45 | Tomorrow's World

Editorial Staff

Questions and Answers

Is there more to the Day of Pentecost than most realize?

Questions and Answers

Question: The cross is one of the most recognized Christian symbols in the world, but where did it come from? Did Christ’s disciples use it?

Questions and Answers

Question: Some sources, like Wikipedia, claim there are no links between the Catholic Saint Valentine and Roman fertility practices such as the Lupercalia. Is Valentine's Day a holiday Christians should keep, based on this assertion?

Answer: When researching questions like this one, it is important to examine your sources carefully. For example, if you believe Wikipedia (as of late December 2012), Valentine's Day has no pre-Christian antecedents. However, a closer look at the various sources reveals a different answer.

Questions and Answers

Question: "Where do you get the idea that mankind has been appointed 6,000 years of self-rule, to be followed by a 1,000-year reign of Jesus Christ?"

Questions and Answers

Question: What was the meaning of Jesus’ baptism? In Matthew 3:16, we read that when John baptized Jesus, the Holy Spirit descended "like a dove" and rested on Him. Is this when the human Jesus Christ first received the indwelling of the Holy Spirit?
