Woman to Woman | Page 10 | Tomorrow's World

Woman to Woman

A Woman of Discretion

  1. 19th September 2012
  2. Shirley Young (1938-2014)

“As a ring of gold in a swine’s snout, so is a lovely woman who lacks discretion” (Proverbs 11:22).


Family Dinner with Your Children

  1. 05th September 2012
  2. Nancy Hall (1951-2013)

The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University (CASA) in 2001 started the observance of “Family Day: A Day to Eat Dinner with Your Children.” CASA’s research shows that “the more often kids have dinner with their families, the less likely they are to smoke, drink, or use other drugs,” as explained by Kathleen B. Ferrigno, Director of...


Running the Race

  1. 22nd August 2012
  2. Shelby Vice

The 2012 Olympics are over, and what an Olympics they were for the United States’ women gymnasts. Their team won the gold medal for only the second time in Olympic history, and many other medals along the way. Many of the women on that team excelled at their sport during the Olympic events, but the Olympic champion who sticks out the most in my mind is Gabby...


Are You a Delilah?

  1. 08th August 2012
  2. Sarah Walls

As women who may often find ourselves over-committed with duties in the workplace and at home, we need to ask ourselves: Are we keeping our priorities straight? Are we putting God first, followed by our commitments to our husbands and families, and finally our responsibilities towards friends and our own wellbeing? Read Proverbs 31:10–31 and Ephesians 5:22–33.


The Apology

  1. 25th July 2012
  2. Laurel Meyer

While perusing some family photos recently, I came across the picture of a childhood friend. The photo reminded me of a wonderful carefree summer and of a profound childhood lesson.


Making the Sabbath a Delight

  1. 11th July 2012
  2. Janth B. English

The world is a very hectic place. There are work schedules, school schedules, long commutes, after school activities, and play dates besides the routine activities of running a home. If we are not careful, we can “crash and burn” into the Sabbath and not get the full benefit that God intended. As the ladies of the house, we as wives and mothers can do a lot to...


Words of Encouragement

  1. 27th June 2012
  2. Julia Lundgren

When 15-year-old Phoebe Prince hanged herself, ending her life by suicide, the Massachusetts teenager touched off a national discussion about bullying. Ultimately, six of her classmates were prosecuted for crimes related to her suicide, leading to six guilty pleas in May 2011. Phoebe was one of many young adults involved in self-inflicted deaths prompted by...


Widow to Widow

  1. 13th June 2012
  2. Shirley Young (1938-2014)

What picture does the word “widow” bring to mind? Is it an image of someone pathetic, sad, drab—garbed in black and forever mourning?


No “Girls Gone Wild” in Our House!

  1. 30th May 2012
  2. Nancy Hall (1951-2013)

Each year, when graduation time rolls around, I think back to my graduation night at a high school in Florida. It was customary for many of the graduates to take off to the beach after the ceremony, and spend the entire night doing whatever the young, immature high school graduates wanted to do. Of course, it was not a chaperoned event. Thankfully, I had parents...


“It's OK To Be a Mom”

  1. 16th May 2012
  2. Jeanine Smith

When I was in sixth grade, I remember the teacher going around the room asking all the students what they wanted to be when they grew up. When it came my turn, I stood up and proudly said I wanted to be a mom and rear my children. I do not remember exactly what the teacher said. All I remember is the impression I got from her that I should "aim a little higher."

