Woman to Woman | Page 5 | Tomorrow's World

Woman to Woman

Women of Challenge

  1. 07th December 2016
  2. Laurel Meyer

A young couple anxiously anticipates the birth of their second child. However, not long after she was born it was evident that something was terribly wrong. After examinations, she was diagnosed with a severe form of cerebral palsy. Another family prepares to care for their young adult son who was paralyzed with brain injury after a freak accident. They face...


A Closer, Stronger Friendship

  1. 09th November 2016
  2. Rachel Keesee

A dear friend once approached me very timidly and breathed a sigh of relief when I turned and gave her a quick hug. Then she said, very relieved, “Oh, good! That answers my question.” Thoroughly confused, I asked what she meant. She said she’d thought she’d done something to offend me. I was dumbfounded.


Martha: Distracted or Disciple?

  1. 19th October 2016
  2. Colleen Frank

What length will you go to hear the Gospel? Jesus Christ had a message, and God has called both men and women to understand and heed it, from Christ's time to the present day.


"You Can't Sit With Us..."

  1. 28th September 2016
  2. Julia Lundgren

It's easy to get used to a select group of friends, but what can you do to go beyond your habitual relationships and break down social barriers?


A Note of Encouragement

  1. 07th September 2016
  2. Laurel Meyer

On Thanksgiving Day in 1987 I was barely able to walk into the hospital emergency room. My fever was 105 F. and rising. After an exam and a lung x-ray I was admitted to the hospital. The diagnosis was viral pneumonia, which is usually brought on by stress, and which has a long recovery period. Within the past year or so I had experienced a series of very...


Biblical Women—The Named and the Nameless

  1. 17th August 2016
  2. Colleen Frank

What sections of the Bible do you enjoy reading most? If you are like me, it is the narrative sections. We all like a good story. Boys like hearing about David and Goliath, Moses, Daniel, Joseph, Jonah, and Joshua and the destruction of Jericho, to name a few. Girls also like to read these popular stories, along with the accounts about biblical women: Miriam...


"Training" Towards Challenges

  1. 27th July 2016
  2. Rachel Robichaud

Barreling towards the minivan that has just stalled on the tracks, a train is moments away from destructive collision. The minivan driver jumps out to make a run for her life. Which direction should she run to avoid the inevitable flying debris of the soon-coming impact?



  1. 06th July 2016
  2. Laurel Meyer

I would like to tell you about of one of the most memorable women I have ever known. Her name is Anna.


How Do You "Look?"

  1. 08th June 2016
  2. Alice Maddox

Have you ever wondered: “Which is more important: how others see me, or how I see them?” Women in particular will often do whatever it takes to improve our appearance—we want to “look good to others.” But do we spend enough time considering the question: “How do I look at others?”


Harnessing Our Emotions

  1. 18th May 2016
  2. Rachel Robichaud

Emotions are part of how God beautifully designed us in His image. Like Him, we experience joy, sorrow, anger and love. Our emotions are purposeful, compelling us to action when something needs doing. Sometimes, feelings even intuitively indicate that something is not right before our mind notices.

