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There is one prediction or prophecy in particular that not only proves the Bible is inspired, but also proves the person born in 4 BC that we know as Jesus Christ is indeed the promised Messiah. That is the...
WatchLearn the German people’s true origins and future in this video, as Rod McNair discusses German history, shows Germany’s origins in ancient Assyria, and identifies Germany’s role in end-time Bible prophecy.
WatchToday many in our society claim to have no interest or belief in religion and readily dismiss the idea of an afterlife. Of course, opinion on the matter may shift a bit with age or illness, as one’s apparent...
WatchIsrael is a major focal point of Bible prophecy. How many endtime prophecies about the Middle East do you know? Watch this video as Richard Ames outlines five prophecies that must occur before the return of...
WatchNearly 70 years ago Dr. Hilda Neatby sounded a warning about what she saw as a developing movement to change schools from places of learning, and the transmission of knowledge, to centres where students would...
WatchIs space exploration and life on Mars the next step for mankind? Join Wallace Smith in comparing Elon Musk’s technological advances to scriptures about how to build a better world based on a genuinely solid...
WatchA review of the potential for conflict over this precious resource and a look to the Bible to answer this essential question: Will we run out of water?
WatchGod made male and female (Matthew 19:4), designing both sexes for procreation and stable families. In this video, learn from Gerald Weston what the Bible says about gender roles and how to honor your father...
WatchIs the world becoming more dangerous? This is one of the most important questions we should be asking. Peace and safety are among our most basic needs and are often touted as goals for new governments,...
WatchBible prophecy describes a new heaven, new earth, and New Jerusalem. When will this be? What will the holy city look like? Find out in this video as Richard Ames examines Revelation 21:1-4, Ezekiel 47 and...
WatchJoseph is one of the most powerful and faithful individuals of whom we have record. His descendants would inherit the lion's share of the blessings promised to Abraham. His is a story of perseverance and...
WatchAmidst debt, natural disasters, and war, one common factor sets every nation in history on a course to fail. Join Wallace Smith in this video as he shows from Bible prophecy the number one cause of collapse—...