Telecasts | Tomorrow's World


What If I Ruled The World?

  • Gerald E. Weston

What kind of a place would it be if you or I ruled the world? Would it be a world without war, a world without poverty, a world based on fair standards where everyone lives at peace with his neighbor and there...


The Truth About the Rapture

  • Wallace G. Smith

Millions of Christians believe that at any moment they may be “raptured away” as Christ takes them to heaven before the terrors of the Great Tribulation. But is this idea of a secret Rapture true? Is the...


The Ultimate Book of Knowledge

  • Gerald E. Weston

Amity Printing Company in China is one of the largest Bible publishers in the world, producing as many as 100 million copies. Why is the Bible such a popular book? What gives it such long-lasting and broad...


You Can Be Healed

  • Gerald E. Weston

Many people suffer from sickness and disease and it seems that more and more need doctor’s care.  Does God heal today?  And, most importantly, can YOU be divinely healed?  What roles do faith, repentance and...


The Verdict Is In

  • Gerald E. Weston

The last century saw dramatic changes in moral behavior, especially in what are referred to as Western nations. But, the changes taking place since the turn of the century have been breathtaking. Who would...


Understanding Bible Mysteries

  • Richard F. Ames

The book of Revelation describes a harlot woman riding a beast with ten horns, the glorious throne of God with sea of glass and a brilliant rainbow, and a heavenly city, the New Jerusalem. The book of Daniel...


Going to Pot!

  • Stuart Wachowicz

In the U.S. and Canada, mounting pressure from advocacy groups and media have led to a political movement to decriminalize or legalize marijuana. The Liberal government in Canada has already approved...


Unleash the Power of Prophecy

  • Wallace G. Smith

Does Jesus want His followers to ignore prophecy, when He HIMSELF is the one inspiring it?  This program explores four purposes of Bible prophecy, explains how Christians can understand Bible prophecy, and how...


Bigger Than The Game

  • Gerald E. Weston

Sandy Koufax was arguably the best left handed pitcher in major league baseball history. As many older fans know, he is also famous for something he did off the field. October 6, 1965 was the first day of the...


Sunset for Britain and America

  • Gerald E. Weston

What is the historic and prophetic significance of the Stone of Destiny?  How does it relate to the once-great British empire?  What was it that caused Britain to fall so rapidly in the second half of the 20th...


The Master key To Bible Prophecy

  • Richard F. Ames

Bible prophecy reveals the future of our world. Your Bible predicts a glorious future beyond the wars, oppression and lawlessness we see around the world. Where are we in Bible Prophecy? How can you interpret...


The Secret of the Seven Churches

  • Rod McNair

While imprisoned, the Apostle John received a marvelous vision, and he wrote down what he saw in the book we call “Revelation.”  This ancient prophecy contained messages for the Christian Churches of the first...

