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While some of the prophecies recorded in Daniel have already been fulfilled, many also stretch into a time yet ahead. These prophecies have been the subject of much speculation, but you can know what they...
WatchWhat does the Bible say about stress? In this video, discover how to cope with stress as Richard Ames examines instruction and principles from Scripture, giving you seven ways to de-stress from every challenge...
WatchIs there a grand conspiracy to rule the world and covertly place earth’s inhabitants in a state of servitude to a wealthy, power-crazed group of elites? Any who delve into such ideas soon discover tales of the...
WatchTo fight the good fight and overcome by Jesus Christ’s power, you need to put on the Armor of God. In this video, learn every piece of that armor listed in Ephesians 6:10-17 for spiritual warfare—and how to...
WatchThe Cuban missile crisis of 1962 nearly brought the world to the unthinkable, a nuclear exchange between the United States and the Soviet Union -- in popular parlance, Armageddon. Although it was understood...
WatchWhat if you’ve only heard a clever substitute for the real gospel of Jesus Christ? The Apostle Paul warns of “another Jesus” and false gospel in 2 Corinthians 11. Let’s evaluate key verses about the gospel...
WatchHow can a deceptive narrative about an incident come to be deeply believed, even by those who may have witnessed it or participated in the event? Can people really be made to accept a false representation of...
WatchDid you know Albert Einstein said natural law “reveals an intelligence of such superiority” it surpasses human understanding? Citing many experts and scriptures, Richard Ames asks seven questions evolution...
WatchOn Tomorrow's World we strive to ask the difficult questions about the long term effects of the decisions we make today both personally and collectively. We look for solutions, and present the case for a...
WatchDare to question evolution and put it back as a theory—not scientific fact. From microscopic findings to fossil records, join Wallace Smith in examining four problems with Darwin’s theory of evolution in this...
WatchProfessing Christians know that Jesus gave His life for mankind, but what else do they know about Jesus and why He came to earth as a human being?
WatchWhat makes you a Christian? How do you distinguish Christians from any good, kind, likable person? In this video, learn how to identify a Christian by four specific traits, according to clear instructions in...