Telecasts | Tomorrow's World


Is COVID Just the Beginning?

  • Rod McNair

Is COVID-19 merely the beginning? What does it take to be healed by God? Find the answers to both of these questions in this program. Keep watching to discover the truth.


Modern Israel and the Balfour Declaration

  • Stuart Wachowicz

On Nov 2, 2017 British and Israeli leaders met at a grand banquet in the majestic Lancaster House Mansion in London.  The occasion was the 100th anniversary of a letter sent on Nov 2nd , 1917, during the First...


Six Myths About Angels and Demons

  • Wallace G. Smith

You can understand the truth about angels and demons. In this telecast we’ll take a deeper look at six prevailing myths about angels and demons and compare them to what the Bible teaches.


Secrets of the Cuban Missile Crisis

  • Gerald E. Weston

The Cuban missile crisis of 1962 nearly brought the world to the unthinkable, a nuclear exchange between the United States and the Soviet Union -- in popular parlance, Armageddon. Although it was understood...


Five Keys to Answered Prayer

  • Richard F. Ames

In a time unlike any other we have experienced in generations, the world's mental health has taken a hit. Could honest, genuine prayers help our mental health? Tune in for these five keys to answered prayer!


How to Make Better Decisions

  • Michael Heykoop

We are the result of the decisions we make. Of course there are many aspects of our lives which are beyond our control. We cannot choose the circumstances of our birth, the genetics we inherit or the random...


You Can Prove the Bible!

  • Gerald E. Weston

Is the Bible inspired by God, or just the work of mere men? Watch and discover three reasons why you can trust in the Bible!


Future Shocks

  • Gerald E. Weston

What if you could tell the future? Who doesn't want to know what's ahead and where our world is headed? Believe it or not, there is a source that does reveal the future in detail and in easy to understand...


Unlock Bible Prophecy!

  • Wallace G. Smith

Many people study their Bibles faithfully, but there is a large part of the Bible that eludes many: Bible Prophecy. Its symbols and ancient references can seem confusing and bewildering. The good news is that...


The Future Restoration of Rome

  • Michael Heykoop

More than 2000 years ago, the legions of Rome ventured from their isolated peninsula and dominated the Mediterranean, Middle East and much of Europe for hundreds of years. The political system and ideals...


Will Spirit Beings Rule the World?

  • Richard F. Ames

Who will rule in the kingdom of God? The Bible contains the intriguing answer to this question and more. Watch to learn the truth!


The Message That Changed The World

  • Gerald E. Weston

Nearly 2000 years ago a man named Jesus, and his followers, brought a message, that we are told by their enemies, “turned the world upside down.” Yet today, Christianity is on the decline in most western...

