Telecasts | Tomorrow's World


Five Keys to Answered Prayer

  • Richard F. Ames

In a time unlike any other we have experienced in generations, the world's mental health has taken a hit. Could honest, genuine prayers help our mental health? Tune in for these five keys to answered prayer!


Does Family Matter?

  • Michael Heykoop

Has the traditional family unit, or the concept of family in general, become obsolete? Like it or not, there is no debate that the structure of the average family is very different than 50, 25 or even 10 years...


2021 in Bible Prophecy

  • Gerald E. Weston

Here at Tomorrow’s World we were able to accurately predict what would happen in 2020 as prophesied in the Bible. So what does the Bible say will happen in 2021? Watch now to find out just what you can expect...


Five Inconvenient Facts About Marijuana

  • Gerald E. Weston

Canada became the second country in the world to legalize recreational marijuana on June 19, 2018, though it would be four months before becoming effectively legal.   And because it’s now legal, many people...


Is Big Brother Coming?

  • Rod McNair

Discover what the Bible has to say about what our government will look like in the near future. Will Big Brother become a soon coming reality? See for yourself from the pages of your Bible as prophecy...


Prophetic Misunderstandings

  • Michael Heykoop

The Bible is a book claiming to be man's clearest link with his Creator. It is a book of wisdom, a book filled with knowledge and principles of living which ring true even 2000 years after being recorded. One...


What Happened to the Christianity of Christ?

  • Richard F. Ames

With at least 33,000 Christian denominations, it is easy to see that most of them do not keep the Christianity taught by Jesus Christ. Learn where so many go astray while supposedly following in the steps of...


The Judeo-Christian Ethic

  • Stuart Wachowicz

The phrase “Judeo-Christian” is predominantly used in reference to the idea that the dominant values of Western nations originated in Christian and Jewish thought and beliefs. It has shaped most of the...


Hiroshima: 75 Years Later

  • Wallace G. Smith

August 6 of the year 2020, marked the 75th anniversary of one of the most dramatic events in human history: The dropping of the atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima. That tragedy signified not only...


The War Against Knowledge

  • Stuart Wachowicz

Nearly 70 years ago Dr. Hilda Neatby sounded a warning about what she saw as a developing movement to change schools from places of learning, and the transmission of knowledge, to centres where students would...


Hope in Tough Times

  • Gerald E. Weston

How can we maintain hope while the whole world seems to be crashing down around us? God gives us a hope in the plan contained within your Bible. Watch now to learn more about this plan!


There Is a Real God and He Wants You to Know Him!

  • Michael Heykoop

Is there such thing as God? If so, who is He, what is He like? Can you know? Do you need to know? Or does it even matter? Yes, there is a God. He orchestrated the creation of all things, and that includes you...

