Wyatt Ciesielka | Tomorrow's World

Wyatt Ciesielka

When Does a Day Begin?

Some contend that while the Jewish Sabbath is the seventh day of the week, the Christian Sabbath is the first day, or Sunday. Others believe that the Sabbath is on the seventh day for everyone. To further complicate things, some claim that, biblically, days don’t begin in the evening but instead begin in the morning—thus, even the Sabbath should start on Saturday morning instead of Friday evening at sundown. What day is the Christian Sabbath? Do biblical days begin in the evening or the morning? And why does any of this matter?

Four “Sacred Names” Errors

By what name should we call God? Is a specific language or pronunciation required? Does honoring God’s name require us to use Hebrew or Hebrew-related terms for God or Jesus—such as Yahweh, Yah, Yeshua, Yahushua, or Jehovah—as some claim?

No, it does not. Those who make such claims about so-called “sacred names” make a number of biblical errors. Here are four.

Easter’s Five Fatal Flaws

Bunny with x marks

Do you plan to participate in Easter sunrise services this year? If you really love Jesus, you won’t.

To the Strongest

His ascension and conquests were rapid and furious, but his life would be brief. As was prophesied, he had made Greece the greatest empire on earth. But after subduing many nations, young Alexander the Great now lay dying in Babylon. According to one account, as Alexander approached death, one of his lieutenants asked him to whom should go the empire. He replied, “To the strongest.”

The Beautiful, Meaningful Rainbow

The rainbow is beautiful and meaningful beyond what most people realize. Not only is it a sign of God’s faithful mercy, but the Bible also associates the rainbow with His throne and a powerful revelation concerning the return of Jesus Christ to establish His reign on earth.
