Wyatt Ciesielka | Page 9 | Tomorrow's World

Wyatt Ciesielka

Blessings in Times of Famine

More than 6.5 million children die from malnutrition and hunger-related diseases each year. About 925 million humans suffer malnourishment (wfp.org, Fact Sheet: Hunger, 2011). In February 2011, food costs increased "the most in two and a half years" and "more food and gas price increases are in the pipeline" (New York Times, March 17, 2011).  In the face of these grim realities, many do not realize just how close the world is to unprecedented global famine. Many are not prepared for the ride of the black horse.

Modern Warnings from an Ancient Prophet

Few understand that God gave the prophet Amos warnings not only for ancient Israel and Judah, but also specifically for "modern Jacob" (their combined descendants) in our present day.

The End of Liberté?

France, Britain and the U.S. are brother nations—much more literally than most people understand! But just how is their history connected? What is ahead for them?

Loyalty: Lesson in a Dog's Life

What vital family lesson can we learn from "man's best friend"?

Testing the Prophets

As we approach the end of the age, many self-appointed ministers, prophets and apostles are making wild and competing assertions. Claims range from announcing that they are one of the end-time "Two Witnesses" to predicting the date for Christ's return; from wrongly identifying the future King of the North, King of the South, or the Kings from the East; to declaring that the four horsemen of the Apocalypse have already been released! What is the truth? Who can you believe? How can you test the prophets?
