News and Prophecy | Page 93 | Tomorrow's World

News and Prophecy

God’s Awesome Creation

  1. 10th February 2016
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

“If almost every mother breastfed her children it could prevent more than 800,000 child deaths a year [according to a recent Lancet article], yet governments are failing to promote and support breastfeeding, with rates remaining far below international targets, new research has found… Children who are breastfed for longer have higher IQs, lower death rates and...


Will the Migrant Crisis Push a Strongman in Germany?

  1. 08th February 2016
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

German Chancellor Angela Merkel is becoming increasingly unpopular in Germany due to her handling of the migrant crisis. “A newly published survey found that almost 40 percent of Germans are so angry with Chancellor Angela Merkel’s refugee policy that they want her to resign… At the same time, 45.4 percent of voters for the left-wing Die Linke party saw Merkel’s...


Iran and Rome

  1. 05th February 2016
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

“Pope Francis held talks with Iran’s president at the Vatican Tuesday [January 26], calling on Tehran to play a key role in stopping the spread of terrorism as Iran tries to improve its image in the global arena” (Associated Press, January 26, 2016).


Deadly Diseases Coming to the UK and U.S.

  1. 03rd February 2016
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

“The UK is vulnerable to epidemics such as Ebola because of a gaping hole in the country’s ability to manufacture vaccines, a group of MPs has warned… ‘Existing [pharmaceutical] facilities are degraded… leaving the UK in a vulnerable position’” (BBC, January 25, 2016). How likely are Ebola and other new infectious diseases to make their way to the UK and the U.S...


China, Iran and Russia Growing Closer

  1. 01st February 2016
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

“Cooperation between Russia, Iran and China might signal a formation of a new world paradigm, able to re-define the global situation in the world both politically and strategically; the recent developments in the relations between the three might be more significant than many realize” (Sputnik News, January 26, 2016; Reuters, January 23, 2016).


Japan Seeks Leading Role in 2016

  1. 29th January 2016
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

Shinzo Abe, the Japanese prime minister expressed his desire to see 2016 as the year “Japan will shine on the global stage and demonstrate its leadership” (Japan Times, January 1, 2016).


LGBT and the Catholic Church

  1. 27th January 2016
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

Bible prophecy describes a great world church at the end of the age (Revelation 13 and 17) that will attempt to bring her children back together (Isaiah 47:1-8). But what will aid the world’s mother church in her mission? One catalyst could be growing LGBT issues and pressure from provincial, state and national governments to conform.


Pope Reaches Out to Jews

  1. 25th January 2016
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

“Jewish immigration to Israel from western Europe has reached an all-time high due to a rise in anti-Semitic attacks” (Associated Press, January 14, 2016). However, Pope Francis recently visited Rome’s main synagogue in a show of support. “During a visit marked by tight security and historic continuity, Francis also rejected all forms of anti-Semitism and called...


Migrant Crisis Riles Europe

  1. 22nd January 2016
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

The wave of immigrants surging into Europe is creating strains among EU member states. Germany’s urging to accept immigrants has spawned hostile reactions from her eastern European neighbors and received little support from France. In fact, “German and EU officials are warning that without a sharp drop in arrivals or a change of heart in other EU states… Germany...


Welcoming Lucifer into Our Homes

  1. 20th January 2016
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

The FOX network will launch a new drama this month, called “Lucifer.” And yes, it is about the fallen angel returning to earth from the depths of hell. The drama focuses on his supernatural powers and makes this cunning playboy into a likeable, dashingly handsome guy with redeeming qualities (

