News and Prophecy | Page 92 | Tomorrow's World

News and Prophecy

China’s Pressure in the Pacific

  1. 07th March 2016
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

“Australia will increase defense spending by nearly A$30 billion ($21.6 billion [USA]) over the next 10 years, seeking to protect its strategic and trade interests in the Asia-Pacific as the United States and its allies grapple with China’s rising power… The announcement riled Beijing, where the Foreign Ministry expressed ‘dissatisfaction’ with Australia’s ‘...


Russia’s Growing Global Influence

  1. 04th March 2016
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

Russia continues to make strategic moves in the global chess game. Capitalizing on the weakened foreign policy of the United States, Russia continues to seize opportunities to exercise its power and influence across the globe. “More than two decades after the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan, Moscow is once again seeking to play a major role in the country by...


Valueless Babies

  1. 02nd March 2016
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

“The Peruvian Cardinal Juan Luis Cipriani… blasted the United Nations for encouraging Latin American governments affected by the Zika virus to allow abortion, comparing the organization to a modern-day King Herod, who ordered the slaughter of babies at the time of Jesus’ birth” (, February 10, 2016).


Britain’s EU Tenure Almost Over?

  1. 29th February 2016
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

“Prime Minister David Cameron on Friday pledged Britain will never become part of a ‘European superstate’ thanks to a hard-fought deal for a less intrusive European Union which he hopes will sway voters in a referendum to keep the island nation in the 28-nation bloc” (Washington Post, February 19, 2016).


Saudi Arabia Leads 20 Nation War Exercise

  1. 26th February 2016
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

“Saudi media said some 350,000 forces from the Persian Gulf Arab states and a number of other countries will take part in the Saudi-led military maneuver in the area of Hafer al-Batin in northern Saudi Arabia” (Alalam News, February 9, 2016).


Pope Meets Russian Patriarch after Thousand-Year Schism

  1. 24th February 2016
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

Pope Francis became “the first pontiff to ever meet a patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church, as the two Christian leaders set aside centuries of division in a historic encounter that was held in an unlikely setting: a room at the Havana airport” (New York Times, February 12, 2016).


Europe Dividing

  1. 19th February 2016
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

Europe has two major threats on its borders: Russia and the Islamic State. In a recent action to confront the growing Russian threat, NATO decided to use multinational forces on its eastern borders.


Gene Editing Go-Ahead!

  1. 17th February 2016
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

“UK scientists have been given the go-ahead by the fertility regulator to genetically modify human embryos. It is the first time a country has considered the DNA-altering technique in embryos and approved it… But the field is attracting controversy over concerns it is opening the door to designer—or GM—babies… In a world-first last year, scientists in China...


World Hunger Increasing

  1. 15th February 2016
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

“The food shortage in Ethiopia is getting worse. Aid agencies say up to 15 million people could suffer because of the El Niño-induced drought. Officials fear donors are neglecting the country in favor of others… New figures released by humanitarian agencies… show that more than 2.5 million children are expected to drop out of school as a result of the drought,...


Nuclear EMP Attack Planned?

  1. 12th February 2016
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

Is North Korea planning a major attack on the United States? “North Korea, which conducted its fourth nuclear test last month and launched a long-range rocket on Saturday, could begin to recover plutonium from a restarted nuclear reactor within weeks…” (Reuters, February 10, 2016).

