News and Prophecy | Page 11 | Tomorrow's World

News and Prophecy

Medicalized "Gender Transition" Called into Question

  1. 12th June 2023
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

concerned mother with child on lap listening to a doctor talking In April, the prestigious Economist magazine ran a story titled “The evidence to support medicalized gender transitions in adolescents is worryingly weak.” The article reviewed current research studies and highlighted trends in treatment. One major finding was that these transition treatments are seldom questioned in the United States.


Violence Against Teachers Is Increasing

  1. 09th June 2023
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

young man trying to look tough next to school lockers In December 2022, students in a Nevada middle school assaulted a teacher who saw them sneaking in through an exit-only door (Wall Street Journal, June 4, 2023). As she told them to turn around, they slammed her face into a locker in the hallway. According to law enforcement, students in the school district have committed over three dozen acts of criminal battery...


Laziness: The Latest Plague in England

  1. 02nd June 2023
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

In a sobering commentary for The Telegraph, journalist Philip Johnston lamented on the trend he sees in Britain—working-age adults choosing to live on welfare rather than working. The number of British citizens who choose not to work is at an all-time high. Ninety percent of farm laborers are immigrants, and still there are not enough workers to keep fruit from...


Borrower Is Servant to the Lender

  1. 29th May 2023
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

man holding breifcase with a chain around his ankle attached to a heavy ball Many poor nations are deeply indebted to other, far richer nations. A recent Associated Press study of the twelve nations most indebted to China noted that “paying back that debt is consuming an ever-greater amount of the tax revenue needed to keep schools open, provide electricity and pay for food and fuel.


Deaths from Hunger in Africa!

  1. 26th May 2023
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

While many people around the globe go to bed content, 40 million in East Africa are experiencing severe hunger (The Telegraph, May 17, 2023). This is 60 percent more people than last year. By July, experts believe one person in East Africa will die from hunger every 28 seconds.


Border Crises Continue

  1. 22nd May 2023
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

Despite the war in Ukraine, the European border crisis continues. In fact, the number of immigrants crossing from Africa to Italy has increased by 300 percent over last year (Financial Times, May 8, 2023). So far this year, more than 40,000 refugees have entered Italy, and many more are expected during the summer months when the seas are calm.


Suffering in Argentina

  1. 19th May 2023
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

According to the World Bank, Argentina is now the country with the second highest rate of food inflation (AP News, May 12, 2023). Food prices in the nation have seen a 115 percent increase over the last twelve months—surpassed only by Lebanon, where food prices have increased over 300 percent! Argentina’s general annual inflation rate has also increased by over...


A Taste of the Future in Lebanon

  1. 15th May 2023
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

flag of lebanon in the background with a paper sack of groceries with food flying out of it and a red arrow trending upwards The people of Lebanon are suffering under severe inflation, turning the U.S. dollar into the preferred local currency over the Lebanese pound (Deutsche Welle, May 8, 2023). Prices for goods are doubling, including the price of olive oil, the crucial, locally produced cooking staple. For many, this once-ubiquitous household product is now beyond their financial...


Germany and Japan Work More Closely

  1. 12th May 2023
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

two gears meshed together, one depicting the Japanese flag the other the German flag China’s aggressive regional actions are seen as a threat by many of its neighbors—which, in turn, are looking to gain support from allies. As the war in Ukraine continues, Germany and Japan are working more closely. In March, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz led a high-level delegation of German cabinet ministers to Japan for talks on strategic collaboration (...


Drought in Europe

  1. 08th May 2023
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

Almost empty Spanish reservior with EU flag in center Over a quarter of the European continent is currently in drought, and summer has not yet arrived (Politico, April 28, 2023). “A key reservoir serving millions of Catalans is dwindling away. A conflict over water triggered clashes in France, where several villages can no longer provide their residents with tap water.

