Germany Prepares for War by 2029 | Tomorrow’s World News and Prophecy — June 14, 2024

Germany Prepares for War by 2029

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Germany’s Defense Minister Boris Pistorius again forcefully highlighted Germany’s need to strengthen its defense capabilities (Deutsche Welle, June 5, 2024). During a question period in Germany’s lower house of parliament, Pistorius stated, “We must be ready for war by 2029”—five years from now! He pointed out the need for the government to back such efforts financially with materials and personnel and reiterated the possibility of reinstating compulsory military service for young Germans, saying, “In an emergency, we need strong young women and men who can defend this country.”

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has promised to support the defense industry and has pushed for more cooperation between European defense manufacturers. Scholz announced the purchase of an additional 20 Eurofighters, and the German Defense Ministry announced purchase of two additional frigates. Germany has also signed a defense agreement with France and Japan to jointly develop railgun technology (Aviation Week, May 31, 2024). This weapon is intended to be a defense against hypersonic missiles.

Currently, nations across Europe are increasing their military capabilities, updating military hardware, and developing advanced military technologies—due in part to Russia’s actions in Ukraine. Russia’s military industrial complex is in high gear, and Europe is beginning to conclude that it must not be left behind. To discover what Bible prophecy records about future events in Europe, watch “Russia, Ukraine, and the Future of Europe.”