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Japan’s Historic New Military Buildup

Japan has had a pacifist stance since World War II. Yet with China’s massive military buildup and territorial expansion in the South China Sea and North Korea’s overt missile testing, Japan is being moved to expand its military. In an unprecedented move, the island nation will double its military budget by 2027, from 1 to 2 percent of its GDP, in line with the higher level expected of NATO members. Japan will focus in part on “counter-strike” capabilities and buy hundreds of U.S.-made missiles to help reach this goal.

A Special Clean-Up Crew

Scavenging animals are often looked down upon as dirty creatures. Yet, they play a vital role in balancing and protecting the ecosystem, and “the more scientists find out more about these consumers of the dead, the clearer it becomes that we should be valuing and protecting scavengers far more than we do today.… By devouring carcasses, they prevent pathogens from spreading to humans and wildlife and contaminants from leaching into the environment” (BBC, December 8, 2022).

Will Christian Nationalism Fix the World?

A personal message from the Editor in Chief

To serve Jesus Christ and help build a better world in the future, true Christians must learn how to “come out from among them and be separate” from the affairs of this one.

Letters to TW

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Mark 13:37 | “And what I say to you, I say to all: Watch!
