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Conspiracy Theories, False Knowledge, and Useless Babblings

Both the Internet and social media are very useful tools—but even useful things can be misused to do harmful things by misguided human beings.

Conspiracy theories and all sorts of useless babblings abound in today’s marketplace of ideas. The Internet and social media, aided by the algorithms designed to multiply exposure to as many users as possible, fuel the spread of endless prattle, drivel, and distraction from truth.

Young Men Suffer and No One Cares!

The concept of “toxic masculinity” has attracted much press in recent years. In some ways, men acting in ungodly ways have brought the label and condemnation on themselves. But our society tends to readily apply this label to any man who has confidence, goals, and ambitions, and is even remotely assertive.

Terror and Greed Spreading

The Associated Press reported in January that Mexican authorities recently captured Ovidio Guzmán, son of the infamous “El Chapo” Guzmán of the Sinaloa drug cartel who was extradited to the United States six years ago.

An Increasingly Wicked Society?

Wickedness and its synonyms, such as evil, perverse, immoral, sinful, and abominable, are intense words that don’t usually appear in the daily news or everyday conversation. However, the Bible uses them hundreds of times to describe thoughts, attitudes, words, and behaviors that God forbids. What will come of these things increasing—and even being accepted and celebrated—in the United States and other countries?

American Exodus from Christianity

In Europe, the secular exodus from what is called “Christianity” has been gradual, but in the United States, the decline has been very rapid since the early 2000s (GRID News, December 17, 2022). The Pew Research Center projects that those who call themselves “Christian” will be a minority in the U.S. by 2070. The largest group of the non-religious are those aged 30 and under, raising concerning questions about the future.
