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From recession, to depression, to slavery

After a brutal hammering, global stock markets are on track for their best rebound in 20 years and talk of economic recovery is becoming more common.  However, unfortunately, the reality is that more than ever before, America and Britain risk rapid economic collapse.  What is really happening on the world economic front … and why?

Satan's WMD

Over the past several years, there has been much debate as to whether Iraq's former malevolent dictator, Sadaam Hussein, possessed Weapons of Mass Destruction prior to the U.S.-led invasion by a "coalition of the willing."

Some former military officers have alleged that Iraq sent weapons out of the country to Syria in military truck convoys and several gutted 747 aircraft flying sorties from Iran "caught on tape" by U.S. spy satellites,. However, once under Coalition control, actual WMD were not found – even after diligent search.

Prophetic trouble in the wake of a burst real estate bubble

The median US home price has fallen over 21% from its peak in 2007 – that is, on average, more than $56,000 per home. Simultaneously, the value of the US dollar has fallen against many world currencies, prompting more than one nation to voice the observation, "America is for sale!"

Iran convulses – will the king of the South emerge?

Tehran is boiling and world opinion is hardening over Iran's recent presidential election.  What is happening inside Iran today?  How are the great powers reacting?  Do recent events align with Bible prophecy?  Could these events accelerate the emergence of the prophesied end-time king of the South?  What are the implications for Europe, America and the world? 

President Obama in Cairo: Islam and end-time prophecy?

Last week, U.S. President Barack Obama gave a key policy address in Cairo, Egypt, addressing many concerns of the world's Muslims. Some of what he said shocked observers. With Islam on the rise around the world, how do the President's comments relate to prophesied end-time events?
