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The other shoe

The whole world was riveted to their television sets and computer screens, as the demonstrators and protestors in Cairo, Egypt chanted their demands and openly defied the long-established dictatorship of Hosni Mubarak. The undulating mass of rebels in the streets received incredible media attention from around the world. The United States-backed regime finally caved and Mubarak fled Cairo, leaving the military in charge, at least for the present.

Stand by "us"

No matter who we are, no matter how or where we live, no matter our station in life, there comes a time when we all need somebody to “stand by us.” To stand by us and hold us up as we, too, need to be there to hold others up. In essence, to stand in the gap wherever the “wall” of rightful faith and living is breached.

Time is Important

What is time? Why is it important? What do we need to know about it? And will time end? The answer to these questions depends on whether you are a physicist, a writer of science fiction, a writer of songs, a philosopher, or a poet.

The new British-French alliance: Wise strategy, or doomed to fail?

Britain and France are grappling now with what the United States will be forced to confront very soon – they are financially unable to maintain the military power to which they were once accustomed.  Consequently, Britain and France recently signed military and nuclear weapons treaties ensuring unprecedented cooperation.  Can these two nations really trust their military alliance to provide for their national security in the years ahead?  And, what are the lessons for them … and for America?

QE2 and the acceleration of America's economic demise

Will America's economy collapse in 2011?  From Ireland to Zimbabwe, and from Iceland to Greece, the world has learned that a modern economy can suddenly and painfully come crashing down.  Now, a leading U.S. senator warns that the United States may be next, and the crash may be imminent.  What can America do?
