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Babel's last hurrah!

The G20 Summit held in London recently was an opportunity for the new players on the world scene to change the global financial landscape. Countries that do not subscribe to the United States' and Great Britain's free-wheeling economic model want to increase banking regulations and replace the dollar as the world's reserve currency.

What can Dachau teach us?

This month is the anniversary of the liberation of the Dachau concentration camp.  The Auschwitz death camp was the largest but Dachau was the first, the "model," concentration camp.  The Dachau concentration camp liberation took place sixty-four years ago on April 29, 1945.

Pandemic on the horizon?

Scientists are closely monitoring a swine flu virus outbreak which already has claimed the lives of at least 20 people in Mexico. Pigs are particularly predisposed to human and avian viruses and it is in pigs that "genetic reassortment" can most readily occur.  Scientists are very concerned.

China calls to replace the dollar...but with what?

China's central bank is suggesting that the US dollar be replaced as the international reserve currency. Is this a viable possibility? What would this mean for the U.S.A.? What currency would be considered for a new world economic order?

Zhou Xiaochuan, Governor of the People's Bank of China states in an essay posted earlier this week that "The outbreak of the [financial] crisis and its spillover to the entire world reflected the inherent vulnerabilities and systemic risks in the existing international monetary system." (Taiwan News Online, March 25, 2009)

False alarm...or coming Great Depression?

On October 7, 2008, we warned "American capitalism has failed. What next?"  But in his March 24, 2009 news conference, President Obama stated, "We will recover from this recession."  Which is true?

Before we answer these questions, let us quickly recap what is indisputable.
