News | Page 423 | Tomorrow's World


End-Time Religious Deception!

Three different gospel writers record Jesus' warnings that many false teachers will deceive many people as the end of the age approaches (see Matthew 24:3–5, 11, 24; Mark 13:5–6; Luke 21:7–8).

A Gentle Bull?

Ever so gradually, the EU has been replacing the infrastructure and symbols of its member countries. National laws and institutions are giving way to supranational entities controlled from Brussels. As this process continues, one striking image is appearing more and more frequently on European Union official documents—a bull moving forward amidst five stars—an image hearkening back to an ancient Greek myth. But what exactly does it mean?

Promoting Evil, Condemning Good!

What "progressive" social reformers do not seem to understand is that God predicted in the pages of the Bible what is actually happening today in the modern Israelite nations.

The Stirrings of Kings...

World leaders—ranging from UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to U.S. President Barack Obama—have spoken out against violence and crimes against humanity.

Fragile As a Rock?

What will come of Gibraltar as British naval power wanes?
