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Returns, Rebellions and Rome

In recent decades, Roman Catholic popes and Eastern Orthodox patriarchs have inched toward healing the Great Schism, meeting and praying together and contemplating what would have been previously unthinkable!

Will "Political Correctness" Destroy Us?

"Political correctness" is like a cancer. It spreads slowly and almost undetectably through the body until death is assured.

Babylon and Tribulation

Before Christ's return, Babylon the Great will nearly obliterate the U.S. and British-descended nations during the Great Tribulation—a traumatic time for the entire world (Matthew 24:21), for God's Church, and especially for the physical nations comprising the modern-day descendants of Jacob.

Welcome to the New EU!

The previous European Community, with its implication of separate countries grouped together, has now ceased to exist and is replaced by the new European Union. This now has primacy of law over member states and inherits the legislative powers formerly given to the Community.

The Good Life in Hard Times

God has given the American and British-descended nations great blessings over the years. But now, as those blessings are dwindling, what can be done? The good news is that God shows His people how to live by His Way, and to have tremendous blessings individually even in times of national crisis.
