News | Page 220 | Tomorrow's World


Is America Pushing Europe Together?

While commentators in the media and government debate the consequences of rapidly developing world events, Bible prophecies provide unique insights about the future that are missing from these discussions. The Bible predicts the rise of a European “beast” power at the end of the age. This “beast” will be a political and religiously supported entity that will become an economic and military powerhouse (see Revelation 13).

Unthankfulness Is the Norm

Have you noticed that in today’s fast-paced and self-centered society, few people take time to say “thank you” or show appreciation? Others have noticed as well. Recent research based on recordings of more than 1,000 conversations in eight languages revealed that very few people express appreciation when others help them out.

Human Attempts at Peace

We live in the twenty-first century—nearly 29 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall—and nations are moving away from democratic governments and reverting to hardline leaders with dictatorial and tyrannical tendencies (Washington Post, March 20, 2018).

Sweden Prepares for War

For the first time in more than 50 years, Sweden will send war-preparation packets to their entire population of 4.8 million households (The Guardian, May 21, 2018).

The Secret of the Seven Churches

While imprisoned, the Apostle John received a marvelous vision, and he wrote down what he saw in the book we call “Revelation.”  This ancient prophecy contained messages for the Christian Churches of the first century, and for successive eras of the Christian Church down through time, until the return of Jesus Christ. This program reveals the secrets of the seven Churches.
