News | Page 171 | Tomorrow's World


Australian Countdown to “Day Zero”

Towns in northern New South Wales and southern Queensland are in the midst of one of Australia’s most devastating droughts (Reuters, September 27, 2019). Many towns are now counting down to “day zero”the day each town will completely run out of water. For most, this terminal date will fall in mid- to late-2020.

Insect Innovations

Insect Innovations

The run-of-the-mill leafhopper may not seem like a marvel of engineering, but a closer look reveals many surprises!


During His ministry on earth, Jesus Christ emphasized the need to watch the times in which we live and to pray we would be ready for His return: “And what I say to you, I say to all: Watch!” (Mark 13:37). On these pages, we plan to keep you informed of noteworthy news and current events that we believe should have your attention. Today’s world is changing quickly, and here at Tomorrow’s World we want to help you fulfill Christ’s admonition to watch!


The Rise of Modern Paganism

Article Image for The Rise of Modern Paganism

Ancient nature religions, long thought dead by many, are reemerging across Western nations. Why is this happening? And what does it portend?

Can the World Wide Web Be Rescued?

 The invention of the World Wide Web changed the world. But this staple of modern life has taken a dark turn, and its inventor hopes to save it.
