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America’s Religious Decline

According to interview data recently released by the PEW Research Center, the percentage of Americans labeling themselves as “Christian” has fallen significantly in the last ten years (October 17, 2019). In addition, significantly fewer attend church services regularly.

The Need for Justice

On October 14, thirteen state police officers in Mexico’s western state of Michoacán were ambushed and massacred by a fast-growing local drug cartel (The Guardian, November 5, 2019). The police were outnumbered, outgunned, and wore subpar protective gear.

What Connects Britain, Israel, and the United States?

In September, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson visited Luxembourg to discuss Brexit strategy with his European counterparts. While there, he cancelled a press conference in order to avoid the jeers of an angry crowd. Luxembourg’s prime minister carried on the press conference anyway, with Johnson’s chair left empty, in a clear attempt to discredit Johnson (The Guardian, September 17, 2019). In response to the fiasco, U.S.

Anti-Semitism Rising

Early in 2019, European Commission President, Jean-Claude Junker stated: "I did not think in my lifetime I would see again that Jewish citizens are afraid to express their support for their religion." Anti-Semitic sentiment has been around for a very long time. Why are some people filled with hatred towards individuals they have never met? Why has this particular group of people so frequently been focus of such racial hatred?

Threat of War Looms over Europe

With the United States signaling it will not be around to provide military support for Europe, and Russia increasing its military presence on Europe’s borders, many European nations are taking greater action to rearm (The Guardian, September 30, 2019).
