News | Page 157 | Tomorrow's World


Global Oil Industry Threatened

The Financial Times makes a grave case concerning the impact of the current pandemic: “It is no exaggeration to say the oil industry faces its gravest crisis of the past 100 years” (March 24, 2020). As many citizens of industrialized nations settle into life at home, travel by land, sea, and air has fallen drastically. Experts estimate that between 10 and 25 percent of global oil consumption could disappear in the coming months.

More “Progressive” Abortion Laws

New Zealand recently passed what many view as a “progressive” law that allows abortion—no questions asked—up until 20 weeks of pregnancy (New York Times, March 18, 2020). Previously, New Zealand was one of just a few industrialized nations that still viewed abortion as a criminal act.

Ten Signs Leading to Armageddon

While most of us live in relative peace, there are signs that all is not well. We see a social and geopolitical upheaval taking place before our eyes. Some believe we are living in the Biblical last days—that Armageddon is on the horizon. Is it?

The Growing Locust Crisis

The Guardian reports that tropical storms have provided moisture to enable locusts to thrive in the arid North African desert (March 20, 2020). Storms that usually move through the region quickly have stayed longer and come more frequently. A single tropical cyclone can increase locust reproduction 400-fold, but the recent duo of tropical cyclones resulted in an 8,000-fold increase in locusts!

Could Coronavirus Kill the EU?

COVID-19 is wreaking havoc everywhere, and especially in Europe! While the coronavirus pandemic threatens global economies, experts say it could tear the European Union apart (Geopolitical Monitor, March 19, 2020). Financially strapped Italy is on the front lines with viral infections and deaths, and much of the rest of Europe is not far behind. What will happen if three, four, five, or more national economies within the EU suddenly decline?
