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Thank you for your telecast on “Are You Going to Hell?” I was raised in a church that taught that. I remember how terrified I was as a child and growing up. Sadly, those teachings sometimes do still haunt me today. I was told I was a heathen and will never be worthy. I left the church in my early years, but those words and teachings were engraved in my mind. I never believed I was worthy of our Father and I was too terrified and Bible illiterate to learn the truth. It has taken me years to undo what I was taught and told. That unyielding fear kept me from growing closer to God and learning the truth, but through the grace of God I never disbelieved or turned away from faith. I am in my sixties now and it has literally taken most of my life to undo the damage that was done. May God our Father bless you all and thank you.
— Viewer in Montana
I am an avid reader of your publications. Many people (like myself) have shied of reading the Scriptures, because of the inherent difficulties in understanding some passages. I commend the authors for putting the Scriptures into language the lay person can make sense of.
— Subscriber in Australia
Dear Sir: I have received your wonderful literature. Your article “The Perfect Storm” in the July-August 2020 issue touched my soul. I believe I must pay serious attention to God’s warning. I hope I can attend your Sabbath worship service someday. May God bless you.
— Subscriber in the Philippines
Editor’s Note: The Living Church of God, sponsor of Tomorrow’s World magazine and television programs, has congregations all over the world. To learn about a congregation near you, please visit our website at TomorrowsWorld.org and click on the link at “Meet the Church Behind TW.” You can also contact the Regional Office nearest you using the information on page 4 of this magazine.
Thank you ever so much for all the books you have sent to me at no charge. They have helped me so much with my walk with God. Not only me, but all the friends that I have passed the books to after I’ve finished reading them. I thank our Lord that he has placed people like you to help people like us who are out there and don’t understand some of the things the Bible says. You have helped so many people. I am closer to God through reading your books. I’m getting to know who He really is, how much love He is, and how He is there for us if we just reach out to Him.
— Subscriber in North Carolina
Just a brief note and small donation to express my heartfelt gratitude for all your wonderful help in preparing me for my role in God’s soon-coming Kingdom. I consider your wonderful ministry to be one of God’s greatest blessings of the modern era. In closing I wish to say, “I love you, God loves you, and Jesus is Lord.”
— Reader in Iowa
Every article, commentary, telecast, and sermon on your websites is to the point. Thank God for you. I direct as many as I can to Tomorrow’s World, from comments on YouTube mainly. Thank you for your hard work.
— Web visitor in New York