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Megadrought in the U.S. West?

In the year 2000, “the Western U.S. entered the beginning of what scientists call a megadrought—the second worst in 1,200 years” (CBS News, April 12, 2021). Today, 60 percent of western states in the United States are in severe, extreme, or exceptional drought—conditions that extend even into the Pacific Northwest. “Lake Powell [which provides water to California, Nevada, and Arizona] is within just a few feet of its lowest level ever observed since it was first filled....

More Inflation on the Horizon?

You don’t have to have a degree in economics to recognize inflation. Just go to the grocery store, retail store, gas station, or shop online, and you discover higher prices.

Russia Disconnecting from U.S. Dollar

Russia and other nations around the globe are working to disconnect themselves from the dollar. The U.S. dollar, or “greenback,” has been a powerful element of American hegemony for more than a century. When nations trade goods in U.S. dollars, it keeps the currency strong and provides greater American influence in the affairs of those nations. It also helps keep the standard of living very high in the United States.

The Franco-German Relationship Is Faltering

France and Germany have functioned as the leading nations of the European Union for more than a decade. Both nations contribute significant financial resources to the EU. But a recent article in German Foreign Policy observed, “Merkel’s last Franco-German Ministerial Council meeting feigns harmonious relations. Yet Merkel had successively increased Berlin’s predominance over Paris.” In recent years, the gulf between the two nations has widened.

Need for Right and Effective Government

Look around the globe and you can pick your flavor of government. Yet can any form of human government protect us from the faults of human nature? Deutsche Welle reports that the democratic nation of Mexico has struggled for decades under corrupt government and the oppressive tyranny of rival drug cartels linked to the murder of 85,000 civilians and candidates for elected office in just the last three years (May 27, 2021).
