The Bible warns of a frightening time called the “Great Tribulation.” How will its terrors affect you and your loved ones? What can you do to prepare for it—or be spared? You need to know!
This program takes a further in-depth look at the activities of Jesus Christ’s earliest disciples, who brought the Gospel of the Kingdom of God across Europe and to the British Isles, reaching the “Lost” Ten Tribes of Israel and also many scattered Jewish communities across the Diaspora. The often-neglected details of early Church history shed vital light on the very mission of Jesus Christ!
Was Jesus’ birth meant to usher in a season of consumer spending and holiday stress? Is there something missing from Christmas traditions that, if understood, would reveal the true meaning of Christ’s coming to the earth? You need to know the truth!
Peace, harmony, and long life have been sought for by man from earliest times, but somehow these elude us. Why? Is true peace and harmony possible? And what about long life? If so, why has man failed to achieve these things?
Are there really some people who can predict the future? Is it even possible to predict the future accurately? Is there a source we can trust for reliable predictions of what is ahead? What does Almighty God have to say about this? The answers to these questions may change the way you look at the world—and your own future!