| Tomorrow's World


On nightly news programs, there is often someone of note being “frog-marched” in manacles into or out of the Courthouse or Justice Building as photographers capture all the action. Within minutes, “Breaking News!” flashes across the screen, blasting the images around the world. Those shackled are mortified, totally humiliated as their reputation is tarnished and their life ruined.

2023 April-May Issue

Sleepwalking into WWIII newspapers cover

Sleepwalking into World War III

  • Gerald E. Weston

Have we ignored the signs of imminent global war—again? Would you even recognize the warning signs? What do history, the Bible, and end-time prophecies reveal?

Westminster Abbey for coronation

The Coronation of King Charles III

  • John Meakin

Soon, the United Kingdom will formally crown King Charles III. Coronation is an ancient rite with biblical roots—but how many understand the true significance of the English throne?

A.I. generated cat

Live Not by (A.I.) Lies

  • Wallace G. Smith

With its ability to manipulate reality, will A.I. become mankind’s greatest tool for deception? What are the real dangers of A.I. and how can you recognize them?

Church is blind sign

When the Blind Lead the Blind

  • Douglas S. Winnail

Why does it seem like today’s religious leaders are powerless to stop the fall of biblical values?

Don’t Fall for Perfectionism

Don’t Fall for Perfectionism

  • Rod McNair

No one is perfect except Christ—yet we seek to be like Him. So, should we be perfectionists?



  • Editorial Staff

Mark 13:37 | “And what I say to you, I say to all: Watch!

A personal message from the Editor in Chief

Are You Any Different?

  • Gerald E. Weston

It’s easy to see others’ mistakes and think, “If only I’d been there instead….” But what would you have really done if you had met, seen, or known Jesus Christ in ancient times?

The Attack on Parental Rights

The Attack on Parental Rights

  • Stuart Wachowicz

Parents can see that institutions promoting gender-bending agendas are hijacking children’s minds and safety. What hope remains for your kids and their future?

What Is the Stone of Destiny?

What Is the Stone of Destiny?

  • Editorial Staff

The Stone of Scone, housed in Scotland but having a long history in the coronation of Irish, Scottish, and English kings, may also have ties to an even more ancient monarchy.

Letters to TW

Letters to TW

  • Editorial Staff

Tell us what you think!


The Power of Fathers

In today’s world, many children grow up with limited support from their fathers or without fathers entirely! A growing body of research suggests that fathers play a profound role in the emotional support of their children (Wall Street Journal, March 4, 2023).

43,000 Die in Somalia!

Last year, over 43,000 people died in Somalia as a direct result of its regional drought (Wall Street Journal, March 20, 2023). Nearly half of these deaths were among children age five and younger! Thousands more are expected to die in the first six months of 2023, at a rate of about 135 people per day, all due to the continued drought in the Horn of Africa and the rising cost of food.

Are You Any Different?

A personal message from the Editor in Chief

It’s easy to see others’ mistakes and think, “If only I’d been there instead….” But what would you have really done if you had met, seen, or known Jesus Christ in ancient times?
