Is Scripture just a mystery? Are its images impenetrable symbols that no one can understand? Or has God given us the tools to recognize what Bible prophecy means for our future—and for life today?
When a nation rejects God's way, tragedy follows. Your nation may be suffering the effects of grave national sins, but Jesus Christ offers a way of escape for you personally, if you will strive to obey Him...
How will wars end and be replaced by peace? When Britain's last surviving World War I soldier died last July, what else died with him? Has the world learned the lessons of war—and will it ever learn the...
Seventy years after World War II began with the invasion of Poland in September 1939, what can that war-ravaged nation teach us about human nature—and about the future of mankind?
World leaders—ranging from UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to U.S. President Barack Obama—have spoken out against violence and crimes against humanity.
What "progressive" social reformers do not seem to understand is that God predicted in the pages of the Bible what is actually happening today in the modern Israelite nations.
God has a plan for all mankind, and every nation found in earth's history is subject to His guidance and direction. The nations of Africa are no exception, despite its troubles and trials.
Satan is also called "the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience" (Ephesians 2:2). For Satan and his demons "work." They never grow tired. They never quit.
A "famine" of hearing the truth occurs when the nations of Israel are taken over by a foreign power that prohibits the proclamation and practice of the true biblical faith. This happened around 720bc when...
As you face the stresses of daily life, are you making the time to come closer to God, to receive the peace and guidance only He can give? If you have never learned to pray, you still can!
As you face the stresses of daily life, are you making the time to come closer to God, to receive the peace and guidance only He can give? If you have never learned to pray, you still can!
Belief in Satan is often considered "old-fashioned" in our day. But Christ Himself spoke of the reality of the spiritual dimension. Are you prepared to resist the devil's deceptions?
What do you do to stay healthy? Does your health have anything to do with your Christian life? Scripture outlines vital principles that can help you lead a longer and happier life!
It is widely understood that the ancient Israelites crossed the Red Sea in the fifteenth century bc—which would date the Scots' migration from Greater Scythia to the third century bc!
Why are increasing millions of professing Christians going about inventing their own religion—seeking "spiritual values" apart from attendance at any organized denominational church?
As Australians search for the causes of the sudden firestorm catastrophe and as they attempt to understand why they are being shaken by earthquakes, it is instructive to see what is mentioned and what is...
Question: In Matthew 18:20, Jesus said: "where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them." Does this mean that individual Christians can decide for...