| Tomorrow's World

Letters to the Editor

I have always been interested in prophecy, and have often wondered who the woman riding the beast was. Thank you for putting the truth out for people to read for free. Knowing the identity of the harlot riding the beast has helped me put the final piece of the puzzle into place, and I thank you. I can finally say that I have a greater understanding about the end times.

J. T., Kaleva, MI

Letters to the Editor

I happened to come across your magazine at my mother's house. I was deeply enlightened, renewed and encouraged reading the articles. I told my brother about it, and mailed the article "The Truth Almost No One Knows" (July-August 2008) to him. We had an exciting conversation about the piece. Thank you for caring enough to spread the word in such a thoughtful, eloquent and loving way.

T. N., New York, NY

Letters to the Editor

I have just finished reading your booklet, The World Ahead: What Will It Be Like? and I was moved to write to you. It was very inspiring, and a wonderfully clear assessment of today's world, and how different it will be under Christ's rule with the saints. Thank you for the booklet. I read your articles in each issue of Tomorrow's World avidly.

B. B., Lesmurdie, WA

Letters to the Editor

Thank you very much for the informative booklets that I recently received from you. They are a definite help in my understanding of Bible scriptures, and would be an absolute blessing to anyone who would take the time to request them. The United States and Great Britain in Prophecy is a real eye-opener. I am sharing mine with any of my family members I can persuade to read it!

G. J., Gbongan City, Nigeria
