| Tomorrow's World

The Smooth Handle

As members of Congress congratulate themselves over a compromise “stalemate” agreement to end a protracted budget crisis—an agreement that raises the federal debt ceiling and ends the so-called “shutdown” of the United States government—many citizens and pundits are wondering: What was really achieved?

The Sex Age

Archaeologists and anthropologists have labeled the many different ages in their models of the history of man, such as the “Stone Age” or the “Bronze Age.” Given its prominence in our current society, it would not be a wonder if future anthropologists were to label our culture the “Sex Age.”

Sowing the Wind

I admit it! I'm a weather junkie. I follow reports on the weather carefully and check the Weather Channel often to see what is going on in different parts of the country and the world. For many years, I was in a business directly impacted by the weather. As you can imagine, it wasn't a random activity for me to want to know what tomorrow's weather would bring—and old habits are hard to break.

Three reasons why the "Big Bang" theory does not contradict a Creator God

Do astronomy and the "Big Bang" theory really contradict a Creator God?  Or, is there mounting scientific evidence that points to an intelligent Creator God, as scripture has foretold for millennia?

The Miracle

On a cold Sunday many years ago, the local sheriff called me at my home. I was a teacher in a small town school and some of my students had been found unattended and deserted in their home. I was well acquainted with three of the boys who were in my class at school and there was also a sister and a baby. The sheriff found a lady, recently widowed, who had applied to run a foster home and she took all of the children to her home that very day. I never expected to see them again because it was in a different part of our county.
