| Tomorrow's World

What is Truth?

TW Short: What is Truth?

Atrocities in the Central African Republic (CAR)

Conditions are deteriorating in the CAR, foreign governments are evacuating their citizens, and African Union and French forces are being sent to quell the violence which is mostly Muslim vs. Christian (BBC, December 31, 2013). There are more than 6,000 child soldiers in CAR, and factions are murdering and beheading children in “atrocious revenge attacks,” in a clear violation of international humanitarian law (ibid.).

Will Jews Pray on the Temple Mount?

For centuries, Jews have been forbidden to pray on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem—a site that is only open to Muslim worship (The Times, December 23, 2013). However, there is a growing movement in Israel for Jews to be able to pray where the ancient Temple stood.

The Marvelous Human Hand

Around the world, museums have been established to preserve some of mankind’s greatest works of art. At the Louvre, in France, you can walk the halls and discover the genius of Leonardo da Vinci in the face of the Mona Lisa and the skill of Michelangelo in the features of his famous works of sculpture. At the Smithsonian Institution’s Air and Space Museum in Washington, DC, you can see examples of the finest engineering feats performed by mankind.

Squandering the Blessings of the Sea

In May of 1497, Master John Cabot (Giovanni Caboto) sailed from Bristol, England on what would become Britain’s first naval exploration of North America. On June 24, Cabot disembarked, likely in Newfoundland. Upon returning to Bristol on August 6, he brought not gold or silver, but news of a territory claimed for England, and of a treasure that would prove to be more valuable than precious metal. He had discovered in the seas off Newfoundland the richest fishing grounds on the planet.
