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Do You Worship the True Christ?

Are you among the millions who have been tricked into worshiping a false Jesus? Read this article to be sure you have not been deceived!

Is There an Unpardonable Sin?

Have you done something too awful for forgiveness? Are you worried about a loved one who died unrepentant? Your Bible offers hope!

2015 March-April Issue

Is There an Unpardonable Sin?

  • Richard F. Ames (1936-2024)

Have you done something too awful for forgiveness? Are you worried about a loved one who died unrepentant? Your Bible offers hope!


Do You Worship the True Christ?

  • Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

Are you among the millions who have been tricked into worshiping a false Jesus? Read this article to be sure you have not been deceived!


Turkey and the Winds of History

  • Dexter B. Wakefield

This ancient nation at the intersection of Europe and Asia is feeling the contrary pulls of Islamism and Westernization. What is ahead?


Before St. Patrick…

  • Richard Franz

Many do not realize that Christianity in Ireland has a history that precedes the famous Roman Catholic evangelist.


Mentors Matter Much

  • Phil Sena

“You’re going to need something to clean those fish.” My friend then handed me a brand-new Swiss Army knife, still in the package. He had just taught me the basics of fly-fishing in beautiful mountain...


Who Governs Britain?

  • John Meakin

Could the United Kingdom be facing the end of an era of stable government? For months, many political pundits and media commentators in Britain have been saying just that. The May 2015 general election...


A Warning For You!

  • Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

It really is time to “wake up!” Are many of us becoming “asleep at the switch?” A common attitude of millions of human beings is to “go along to get along.” It is often easier to go along with the...


The Rise of Unbelief!

  • Douglas S. Winnail

The last several decades have witnessed a remarkable emergence and growth of forces hostile to biblical truths and Christian beliefs—especially among more affluent, educated members of...


Be Strong and of Good Courage

  • Winston Gosse

A massive explosion occurred on December 6, 1917 in the harbour of Halifax, Nova Scotia. At precisely 9:04 a.m. the French cargo ship SS Mont-Blanc, loaded with 2,400 tons of highly explosive...


The Wonder of Life in the Womb

  • Wallace G. Smith

When a mother gently places her hands upon her growing belly, contemplating the new child developing within, she is truly touching one of the great wonders of life. The creation of new human life is, indeed...


Questions and Answers

  • Editorial Staff

What does “Good Friday” reveal about Christ’s death and resurrection?


Letters to the Editor

  • Editorial Staff

Thanks very much for your eye-opening magazine. God bless you for the good job you are doing! Thanks.
H. C., Mulanje, Malawi

I would like to say thank you for the books and DVDs you...


The Origin and Future of Suffering

War. Terrorism. Kidnappings and killings. Disease epidemics and even pandemics. Drug epidemics. Increasing atrocities around the world cause more and more people to ask, why suffering? Why would a loving God allow kidnapping, rape, torture, murder, and war? Why would He allow death and damage from earthquakes, tsunamis, and other weather disasters? Why the ravages of disease? How could He allow millions to starve? People have long struggled to explain the reasons for human suffering. But the Bible clearly explains both the origin and the future of suffering.

Fumbling to Fitly Spoken Words

You have been waiting in line for such a long time and rehearsed your words. You have admired this woman from a distance, wondering how she has coped with so much sorrow and pain. In your heart you think, “You are such a strong person. I don’t know how you do it. If it were me, I’d just give up and die.” The line moves a bit, words are spoken by those who came to comfort her and the family. You are anxious to just console her in some way. Two more people in front of you. Finally!


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