| Tomorrow's World

Which "World" Do You Live In?

It has been fascinating in my 84 years of life to observe the various "worlds" people live in. Most people are consumed by—and often limited by—the particular narrow world they inhabit.

Hundreds of millions inhabit the "media" world and gush with enthusiasm over the stars of movies and television shows. Others are engrossed in the "sports" world and marvel at the baskets sunk or yards gained or runs scored by their favorite sports heroes.

The Church and You(th)

For most young people today, church and religion has little importance in daily life. Compared to school, social media, popular entertainment, sports and other diversions, church is neither attractive nor relevant.

Coming End-Time Conflicts

Many modern scholars conclude that "the only available guide" to political scientists is human logic and patterns of human behavior that can be discerned over time (The Improbable War, Christopher Coker, pp. 1–2). However, this secular academic approach overlooks a source that has and does predict the future in the dynamic field of international relations. The God of the Bible boldly claims that He alone can predict the future and bring it to pass (Isaiah 41:21–24; 46:8–11) and that "He removes kings and raises up kings" (Daniel 2:20–21; 4:35). Contrary to what modern scholars assert, the Bible has long foretold that specific nations will be involved in major end-time conflicts just before Jesus Christ returns to this earth—and those prophecies are coming alive today!

Waterloo and the Rise of an Empire

June 18, 2015 marks the bicentennial of the Battle of Waterloo, a battle that 200 years ago halted abruptly the second Hundred Years' War between Britain and France. As historian Jeremy Black asserts, "Waterloo was an iconic battle for the British, a triumph of endurance that ensured a nineteenth-century world in which Britain played the key role" (Waterloo, p. xi). Waterloo was a crucial victory—not only for British ascendancy, but also in fulfilling ancient promises recorded in Scripture. So, how did these promises impact the outcome of Waterloo and beckon the rise of the British Empire?

Humboldt's Humble Swamp

On the rolling Saskatchewan prairie, about 70 miles east of the city of Saskatoon, sits the pleasant community of Humboldt, population: 6,000. It was here that in the late 1970s and early 1980s, a remarkable scientist conducted an equally remarkable experiment, the results of which have impacted many communities around the world.
