| Tomorrow's World

Wild Fires Burn Western USA

A sobering headline from a recent news article read “Extreme Weather Watch: August 2015—The Western US Burns Up” (San Diego Free Press, September 8, 2015). This year, over eight million acres have burned, primarily in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana and California (National Interagency Fire Center, September 6, 2015). Firefighters have come from around the globe, and the U.S.

Pope Expands Abortion Pardons

“In a letter released on Tuesday, the pontiff requested that women who have abortions—and the doctors who perform them—can be pardoned, during the church’s self-declared ‘Jubilee Year,’ which runs for most of next year. According to Catholic doctrine, abortion is such a grave sin that those who procure or perform it are automatically excommunicated… ‘I have decided...

The Cities of Tomorrow

From the Jetsons’ flying cars, to Marty McFly’s self-tying shoes, we all have desired to see a glimpse of what the future will be like. Yet, where are the flying cars? Where are my self-tying shoes? Will men soon set foot on Mars? Perhaps most importantly, what are the communities of tomorrow really going to look like?

A Splash of Color

Growing up in the Shenandoah region of the United States, autumn was always a special time for me. Much like the hues of a beautiful sunset, the colors of autumn in western Virginia reliably left their mark on my memory each year. And, just as reliably, each year the “Leaf Peepers” came out by the hundreds to see the hills and mountains “catch fire” when the leaves turned bright and the season “fell.”

Long to Reign Over Us

On September 9, 2015, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II officially became the longest reigning British monarch—longer than 40 other kings and queens. She is the most respected figure in British public life, acclaimed by world leaders and admired worldwide for her dedication to duty. Twelve U.S. Presidents have served during her reign. Much has changed in the U.K. during her nearly 64-year sovereignty, with moral decline and social changes gathering pace. In a recent U.K. moral leadership poll, the Queen came first before even religious leaders. What lessons can we learn from the Queen’s extraordinarily successful reign?
