| Tomorrow's World

From Belief to Faith

I was recently challenged with a good question from a teen: What is the difference between believing and faith? On the face of it, it appears that the two concepts could be the same, and for many people they are. It was a helpful question for me personally because it caused me to analyze the two ideas more closely. While in many applications the two words can be used interchangeably, there is one important distinction that is revealed in God's word.

Looming Financial Woes

The United States of America and other Israelite nations (the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and nations of northwest European descent) have enjoyed unprecedented financial prosperity for the last two centuries. The pound and the dollar have been the world's reserve currencies and the recognized medium of exchange for world trade for several hundred years. However, this privileged and preeminent position is changing, and dramatic reversals are going to impact the Israelite nations as ancient Bible prophecies come alive in the years just ahead.

A New "Battle of Britain"?

It is hard to believe that ISIS (sometimes also called "Islamic State"), now such a prominent force in world events, exploded onto the world's consciousness less than two years ago when in June 2014 it declared itself an Islamic Caliphate after conquering the northern Iraq city of Mosul.

Marijuana at a Legal Crossroad?

Canada, by many international measures, is frequently lauded as one of the best places in the world to live. Reports cite good prospects in employment, education, medical care and lifestyle, all within borders that are spacious and attractive. Despite these many advantages, a high percentage of the population seeks escape in the use of mind-altering drugs. The most widely used illegal substance here is cannabis, or marijuana.

How Much Is Enough?

What is your wealth, and what is its place in your life?
