| Tomorrow's World

Valueless Babies

“The Peruvian Cardinal Juan Luis Cipriani… blasted the United Nations for encouraging Latin American governments affected by the Zika virus to allow abortion, comparing the organization to a modern-day King Herod, who ordered the slaughter of babies at the time of Jesus’ birth” (Breitbart.com, February 10, 2016).

Britain’s EU Tenure Almost Over?

“Prime Minister David Cameron on Friday pledged Britain will never become part of a ‘European superstate’ thanks to a hard-fought deal for a less intrusive European Union which he hopes will sway voters in a referendum to keep the island nation in the 28-nation bloc” (Washington Post, February 19, 2016).

Saudi Arabia Leads 20 Nation War Exercise

“Saudi media said some 350,000 forces from the Persian Gulf Arab states and a number of other countries will take part in the Saudi-led military maneuver in the area of Hafer al-Batin in northern Saudi Arabia” (Alalam News, February 9, 2016).

Britain Prepares for Vote on EU Membership

It was William Shakespeare who once put it so memorably: “To be, or not to be, that is the question”! Let’s for a moment reframe and reapply (with apologies!) the noble bard’s sentiment to 2016 politics in the land of his birth. Thus, we might ask, “To be, or to not to be, in the European Union; that is the question.

Gods of Cinema Versus the Real God

Hollywood likes to make movies about gods, these days—whether it is the real God of the Bible, or some fictional being out of myths and legends. But how do these stories impact your beliefs?
